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Shocron Benmuyal & Associates

Corporate Social Responsibility

Societies thrive only on opportunities for individuals and businesses. Companies and their strategies will only be successful in the long term if their stakeholders are successful.


At Shocron Benmuyal & Associates we fully understand the daily work with the companies with which we are linked, and therefore CSR tasks are an inherent part of the actions we carry outs.

SB&A Management‘s relationship with companies is a model of reciprocal selection, by which they choose us and we choose them, mutually, and in this there are shared values. Corporate social responsibility is part of these values, because we understand that it is both an obligation to society where we do business together, as well as that development is an integral part of long-term growth..

Only strong partnerships and stakeholders that achieve their goals consolidate the long-term success of what we do.

Committed to this work philosophy, all the designs that we implement in conjunction with the companies present a combination of the following issues:

Based on the above, activities associated with the daily tasks of business life, of its employees and stakeholders in general, are developed. Usually they are not about marketing actions (as it usually happens in other practices), but about actions related to business life so that their impact and continuity can be greater. 

Several approaches are selected in Shocron Benmuyal & Associates to locate the tasks, moments and budgets to face Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Meeting situations such as changes in strategies, technological evolution plans, special moments in business life or social situations in the community where each company is inserted are always drivers that facilitate proposals. 

A special case was generated, due to the restrictions of COVID-19. The impossibility of carrying out traditional actions (such as the end of the year 2020 events) allowed SB&A Management to propose redirecting those budgets in these CSR actions with significant impact on the participants.. 



The triple guarantee of Shocron Benmuyal & Associates, economic, financial and continuity, is the mark of commitment, and provides companies with the highest level existing in the market.





The so-called high-risk deliveries involve possible difficulties for both the pregnant woman and the child, and have a higher rate of use of neonatology than the usual ones. The objective was to involve some specialist doctors to develop care and follow-up protocols and apply them to reduce the impact in these cases and also includes pro bono cases.




Strong strategies require committed and successful stakeholders. In several companies we have implemented supplier development models, free of charge or with a discounted cost, to boost their growth and guarantee their integration without having to look for others outside the business ecosystem. In addition, these commitments guarantee long-term continuity that synergistically benefits everyone.




Most business and commercial activities require plastic packaging, containers and disposable storage elements. Working with clients at the end of treir use in their recovery and proper disposal improves the ecosystem and commits us. In some cases, this can even generate a product that is returned in works to the society in which it is found (neighborhood green spaces, rural schools, etc.).




Strong societies are based on possibilities for people and companies. Bringing together sponsoring companies, universities and chambers, to jointly provide development tools at no cost to companies in each city that was implemented, generates a stronger local business ecosystem, provides more sustainability and opportunities and favors the continuity of all of us who work in them.




The COVID-19 pandemic meant that companies were unable to hold their traditional end-of-the-year holidays. Redirecting those funds to CSR actions where their staff engaged in small groups for actions that are close to them and then shared virtually with the rest of the employees was a way to unite without all being physically together, and with a stronger bond to new social challenges.